Roleplaying Games
Content related to roleplaying games, primarily tabletop. This is largely focused on rule sets and other projects of my own design.

Hexingtide Playtest 4 Character Creation + Core Dice Mechanics Preview: a Merry Monstrous Christmas!

Hexingtide Playtest 4 Character Sheets Sneak peak

Friday the 13th Hexingtide Design & Playtest Update

The Devil’s Brand v1.5 Now Live

Character Tombstones – for your Deadly OSR Games

The Devil’s Brand v1.4 – Now Even Better

Introducing The Devil’s Brand

Hexingtide Playtest 3 Now Available

Feedback Request: Danger, Hardship, & Isolation Dice

Hexingtide Two-Part Actual Play with Damn Good Games

Hexingtide Update: Playtest 3 Dates, Streams, and more

Angry Mobs and NPC Reactions Coming to Hexingtide Playtest 0.3

Custom Halloween Dice Tower for Hexingtide

Eight Pregen Characters for Hexingtide 0.2

Hexingtide Playtest #2 is Now Available!

Hexingtide Playtest 0.20 Core Mechanics Options

Hexingtide Google Sheets Character Keeper

Haunters Returns and Rebrands as Hexingtide

Long XVIth Update 2: Character Advancement, Quicker Combat, Factions vs Backstory

Pregen PCs & Quick Reference Sheets for Long XVIth

Long XVIth Update 1: Streamlining the Core Mechanic (Sept 21)

How to Make Paper Minis for RPGs

Long XVIth Character Creation Preview (July 2021)

Hounds of Tyrol Campaign Maps

Campaign Introduction

Long XVIth Character Sheet Preview

Factions/Complications: A 13th Age, FFG Star Wars, & FATE Mash-Up

Updated Apocalympus Character Sheets

Haunters: My New In-Progress Hellboy & World of Darkness Inspired RPG

Apocalympus: Absurd, Gonzo Fantasy Roleplaying