New France September Progress

Work has slowly continued on my New France micro-skirmish project.

I’ve sourced twenty figures: six regular soldiers to serve as my French, six native warriors as my Osage, six to serve as coureurs de bois, and two Jesuits (one much more historical than the other!).

Plus… a good number of North American wildlife miniatures, which will function as the “wandering monsters” and “random encounters” as inspired by Frostgrave and its siblings.

This figures are all WIPs in one way or another: some are painted, but basing remains, but the Natives and the French Soldiery have even to be painted. This post is a progress log, more than anything.

As always: my photography leaves much to be desired!

A coureur de bois and his wife encounter a bear in the woods.
Two bison trample into a camp, sending the party scrambling for their lives!
The painted coureurs de bois, complete with two trusty hounds.
The soldiers: a variety of sources. The kneeling figure is 3D resin printed.
The spontoon snapped off after an unfortunate drop. Not looking forward to this repair.
My Osages, from Firelock Games save for the one with the bow, who is a figure from Wild West Miniatures’ Curse of the Dead Man’s Hand line.
The Jesuits. Neither fit really well with the heroic 28mm scale of the others, but they will have to do.
Lastly, my veritable zoo of North American wildlife. Sourced from all over!

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