Early alpha playtesting with friends continues for Long XVIth, and I hope to release a public playtest in October or November. As work towards that end continues (and while there’s not a full rules reference to share), I’m happy to be able to post the pregen characters and reference sheets I’m sharing with my current playtesters.
I hope this will wet your whistle – and give you some high level insights into how the current iteration of the game works and looks, along with the (somewhat deprecated) Long XVIth character creation rules from a few weeks back.
Long XVIth Pregen Player Characters
Profession. Temperament. Social Class. The factional Entanglement. Here are six pregen player characters – one for all six professions (the rough analogue to D&D / OSR classes).
Click here to download the pregen character pack (v01) as a PDF.

Long XVIth Quick Reference Sheets
Action Rolls (a 1-3d10, risk vs. reward dice pool), Reaction Rolls (analogous to OSR saves), and Conditions (narrative damage, status, and environmental trackers) form the core of the gameplay loop.
Here is a double-sided handout that, along with a character sheet overview, provides a step-by-step flowchart for that gameplay for playtesters.
Click here to download the quick references sheets (v01) as a PDF.

Would love your feedback!
(And oh yes, the fonts and typefaces are different. I’m still very much trying to find the “right” combination.)