My friends know I’m a history geek. A big one.
You can see it in my Renaissance Netherlands history project (with a Facebook page and very recently launched Instagram account), and my would-be 6mm big battle and 15mm multi-base skirmish figures.
So don’t be surprised by what you’re about to read.
If three primed and unpainted fantasy warbands for Frostgrave wasn’t already enough, I placed some far-flung orders a few weeks ago for a (more-or-less) historic warband. The last of the figures (save for one 3D print from Etsy with no real ETA) made it in this week.
So… I guess this happened.
I’ve about 13-14 models total (keeping with the oversized model count approach from my over-active creative mind that’s played out for the other three warbands), but for this warband, I’m just basing ten and calling it good for now.

- Plague Doctor from a 3D printer on Etsy (the model itself was way oversized, and I had to chop it down a fair bit to be roughly in scale with the others)
- Priest figure from Warlord Games – this stern fellow will act as my wizard
- Soldiers from The Assault Group (Imperial Spanish Command)

The friars:
- The crossbow and blunderbess figures are from West Wind Empire of the Dead
- The central figure with the crucifix is a Reaper model and will be my apprentice.

And lastly, the morally suspect mercenaries, who are all from The Assault Group.